Interface AdaptyProfile

Interface representing a user profile in Adapty, including details about the user's subscriptions and consumable products.


  • AdaptyProfile


accessLevels?: Record<string, AdaptyAccessLevel>

Object that maps access level identifiers (configured by you in Adapty Dashboard) to the corresponding access level details. The value can be null if the user does not have any access levels.

customAttributes?: Record<string, any>

Object representing custom attributes set for the user using the updateProfile method.

customerUserId?: string

The identifier for a user in your system.

nonSubscriptions?: Record<string, AdaptyNonSubscription[]>

Object that maps product ids from the store to an array of information about the user's non-subscription purchases. The value can be null if the user does not have any purchases.

profileId: string

The identifier for a user in Adapty.

subscriptions?: Record<string, AdaptySubscription>

Object that maps product ids from a store to information about the user's subscriptions. The value can be null if the user does not have any subscriptions.

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